FUTURE LIFE FACTORY - Showreel 2023 60sec ver.

ch.03 2023年06月22日
FUTURE LIFE FACTORY is a studio in Panasonic’s Design Center specialized in cutting-edge development. We’re rethinking the question: What will living well mean in the future? And we’re bringing the answers to life, following wherever the ideas may lead. Our approach is not just about solving people’s problems or developing conventional products with the latest technology. We take a creative approach, based on human values and social issues, and apply our insights to mold a vision of the future. We explore the future of new types of businesses and ponder how we’ll live in the world of tomorrow, drawing on ideas that aren’t simply derived from conventional concepts.

FUTURE LIFE FACTORYは、パナソニックにおいて、先行開発に特化して活動するデザインスタジオです。
